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Contact iDeviceInfoffer.com

Contact iDeviceInfoffer.com

Want to get in touch with us? It’s great, you’re at the right place! We love to hear from our readers and you can send us your tips, suggestions, advice, hellos, ad requests via contact form below.


Check our advertising page if you want to more details about advertising on iDeviceInfoffer.com or feel free to contact us at jyotiraghuvanshi2014@gmail.com.

Report website issues:

If you’ve noticed a problem, please send an email to jyotiraghuvanshi2014@gmail.com to report the problem. We really appreciate it.

Contributors Wanted!

Are you a Mac or iOS geek and want to share your mac/iOS tips, cool app find knowledge with the world? We’d be interested in having you on board as a contributing writer. Feel free to send us a writing sample and a little bit about yourself at jyotiraghuvanshi2014@gmail.com


Our contact information is not for any personal assistance or support with any Mac/iOS issues you may be having. We don’t have time to serve as your personal Genius Bar! Sorry to say it, but if you have an issue with your Mac or iOS device, you should either Google for a solution or seek support from a qualified expert.

We get TON’s of email everyday and we are unable to respond to each & every message individually. Although each and every email to iDeviceInfoffer is read by a member of our staff, so keep them coming.

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